2024 How the Radical Right Has Changed Capitalism and Welfare in Europe and the USA. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Podcast interview with New Enlightenment Podcast
Book presentation and discussion at Bruno Kreisky Forum (German)
Media interviews and features with DW News (Business Beyond), NRC Handelsblad (Dutch), and Oberösterreichische Nachrichten (German)
2018 Strong Governments, Precarious Workers: Labor Market Policy in the Era of Liberalization. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Podcast interview with 1869, the Cornell University Press Podcast
Interviews with the Cornell University Press Blog and the Gerda Henkel Stiftung (German)
Press briefing in German, University of Konstanz
Reviewed in Perspectives on Politics, British Journal of Industrial Relations, ILR Review, Work, Employment and Society, and Journal of Social Policy
Edited special issue
2022 The Radical Right and Welfare Politics: Causes and Consequences (with Marius Busemeyer) West European Politics 45 (1).
Peer-reviewed journal articles
2023 How the Eurozone shapes populism: A comparative political economy approach (with Jonathan Hopkin). Journal of European Public Policy, online first.
Research featured in Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy for a Forum on the European Parliament Elections 2024.
2023 Varieties of Just Transition? Eco-Social Policy Approaches at the International Level (with Luca Cigna, Emina Hasanagic, Elke Heins,
Torben Fischer). Social Policy and Society, online first.
2022 Unemployment benefit governance, trade unions and outsider protection in Conservative welfare states (with Daniel Clegg & Elke
Heins). Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 28 (2): 195-210.
2022 How the Eurozone disempowers trade unions: the political economy of competitive internal devaluation (with Arianna Tassinari).
Socio-Economic Review 20 (1): 323-350.
Research featured in: LSE EUROPP Blog, Work in Progress (American Sociological Association), Arbeit & Wirtschaft, Makronom
(Online-Magazin für Wirtschaftspolitik), Rivista il Mulino.
2022 When do social democratic parties unite over tough immigration policy? (with Fabio Wolkenstein). West European Politics 45 (5), 979-
2022 Protagonists or consenters: radical right parties and attacks on trade unions (with Michael B. Klitgaard). Journal of European Public
Policy 29 (7): 1049-1071.
Research featured in Agenda Pública, LSE European Politics & Policy Blog (EUROPP), and Makronom.
2022 How to study the populist radical right and the welfare state? (with Marius Busemeyer). West European Politics 45 (1): 1-23.
2022 Authoritarian values and the welfare state: the social policy preferences of radical right voters (with Marius Busemeyer & Alexander
Sahm). West European Politics 45 (1): 77-101.
Research featured in New York Times, Social Europe., and podcast interview with A Correction Podcast.
2021 Deserving Austrians First: The Impact of the Radical Right on the Austrian Welfare State (with Martin Gruber-Risak). Comparative Labor
Law and Policy Journal 42 (1), 43-60.
2021 Makers against takers: the socio-economic ideology and policy of the Austrian Freedom Party. West European Politics 44 (3): 635-660.
2019 No Flexicurity without trade unions: The Danish experience. Comparative European Politics 17 (1): 1-21.
European Journal of Industrial Relations 24 (1): 5-22.
2017 Relying on weak governments: Austrian trade unions and the politics of smoothed dualisation. Austrian Journal of Political Science
45 (3): 45-55.
Book chapters
In: Ambivalenzen in der Transformation von Sozialpolitik und Wohlfahrtsstaat: Soziale Arbeit, Care, Rechtspopulismus und Migration.
edited by Roland Atzmüller, Fabienne Décieux, Benjamin Ferschli. Beltz Juventa: pp. 144-158.
Book reviews
Solidarity: Contesting Precarity in the US and European Telecommunications Industries” (Virginia Doellgast, Oxford UP). Perspectives on Politics, online first.
2022 Eppur si muove: Zur vergleichenden Wohlfahrtsstaatsforschung nach dem „goldenen Zeitalter“. Book review of “The Oxford Handbook
of the Welfare State” (edited by Daniel Béland, Kimberly J. Morgan, Herbert Obinger, Christopher Pierson). Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
48 (3): 455-461.
2021 Book review of “Sozialstaat Österreich (1945–2020). Entwicklung – Maßnahmen – internationale Verortung“ (Emmerich Tálos, Herbert
Obinger). Austrian Journal of Political Science 50 (2): 23-24.
2021 Boris Johnson, Donald Trump und wer kommt als Nächstes? Book review of "The Assault on Truth. Boris Johnson, Donald Trump and the
Emergence of a New Moral Barbarism" (Peter Oborne). Falter (Austrian weekly), June 30.
2020 Donald Trumps Strategie des plutokratischen Populismus. Book review of "Let Them Eat Tweets: How the Right Rules in an Age of
Extreme Inequality" (Jacob Hacker, Paul Pierson). Falter (Austrian weekly), September 16.
2020 Book review of "Reconstructing Solidarity: Labour Unions, Precarious Work, and the Politics of Instutitonal Change in Europe" (edited by
Virginia Doellgast, Nathan Lillie, and Valeria Pulignano). Journal of Social Policy 49 (3): 668-670.
2020 Denkimpulse am Weg zu einem Green New Deal. Book reviews of “A Planet to Win: Why We Need a Green New Deal“ (Kate Aronoff et
al.) and “The Case for the Green New Deal” (Ann Pettifor). Falter (Austrian weekly), February 26.
2024 United in Diversity: The Economic Policy Platforms of the EU's Far-Right. Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy 59 (2):
2022 Einfach mehr Druck machen? Perspektiven zur Arbeitsmarktreform (with Lukas Lehner). Der Standard, March 21.
2021 ¿Siguen estando mejor juntos? Socialdemocracia y sindicatos en el siglo XXI. Agenda Pública in collaboration with the Friedrich Ebert
Foundation (FES) on the Future of the European Left, October 22.
Resposted in English in LSE European Politics and Policy Blog (EUROPP) and in German in Makronom.
2021 The radical right is not a pro-welfare party (with Marius Busemeyer). Social Europe, April 7.
2020 Uniti da un destino comune. Sindacati e governance economica europea oltre le divisioni Nord-Sud (with Arianna Tassinari). La rivista il
Mulino, October 14.
2020 The Eurozone poses challenges for labour at large - and not just for the 'South' (with Arianna Tassinari). LSE European Politics and
Policy Blog (EUROPP), August 12.
Reposted in Work in Progess: Sociology on the economy, work and inequality, American Sociological Association (ASA), September 2.
2020 Warum die Euro-Architektur die Gewerkschaften schwächt (with Arianna Tassinari). Makronom - Online-Magazin für Wirtschaftspolitik,
July 6.
2020 Die Beschäftigten als VerliererInnen in der Eurozone? (with Arianna Tassinari). Arbeit & Wirtschaft Blog, May 23.
2020 Österreichische Familienpolitik verstärkt Geschlechterungleichheit (with Tobias Wiss). Momentum Institut, March 8.
2020 Politische Ursachen von Ungleichheit am Arbeitsmarkt. WISO - Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitische Zeitschrift 43 (1/20), 80-85.
2019 Warum starke Regierungen zu prekärer Arbeit führen. ÖGPW-Politikwissenschaftsblog, Der Standard, February 14.
2019 Why strong governments are bad for precarious workers. Cornell University Press Blog, January 8.
2017 Third-way à la française: What do Macron’s reforms involve and how likely are they to succeed? (with Fabio Wolkenstein). LSE European
Politics and Policy Blog, June 23.
2016 Reform oder Untergang: Ist die SPÖ noch zu retten? (with Fabio Wolkenstein). Der Standard, May 2.
2016 A long goodbye to the grand coalition: Austria’s presidential election (with Fabio Wolkenstein). LSE European Politics and Policy Blog,
May 3.